Our 29 solar schools – an update
Over the past eight years, the Low Carbon Hub has partnered with 29 schools to install 5,647 solar PV panels. Our Solar Schools service offers schools a comprehensive solar installation service to power your schools with community-owned, discounted green electricity.
Schools signing up for a free solar rooftop survey can apply for a grant to pay for a detailed energy audit of the school estate. The free solar rooftop survey will assess the suitability and potential CO2 and financial savings of school buildings.
By installing solar panels, schools can:
• save money on their energy bills via a discount on all solar electricity they purchase;
• cut their emissions and carbon footprint by using less fossil fuel generated electricity;
• educate their students about renewables with access to an online metering portal with real time data about the energy generated on site;
• lead by example showing futures generation the importance of being environmentally aware and socially conscious.
2018/19 in numbers
Our 5,647 panels are spread out over 29 schools, with the largest installation at Wykham Park (599 panels) and the smallest at Middle Barton (40 panels).

Cumulatively, all 29 installations have an annual generation of 1,362,415 kWh which is enough to:
- Boil 15,137,946 kettles
- Make 45,413,839 slices of toast
- Power a TV for 11,847,088 hours
- Power 7,465 fridges for a year
345 tonnes of CO2 will be saved from the solar PV installations which is equivalent to:
- Driving 2 million km in a diesel car
- Flying 345 people from Paris to New York and back

School of the month
‘Solar School of the Month’ is a new campaign we are running to raise awareness of all the schools around Oxfordshire that are leading the way in their communities by using renewable energy. We will be featuring one school each month as our “Solar School of the month” to shine a light on the work that this school is doing. For this campaign, we have created a poster for each of our solar schools and will be sharing information about each schools installations on our social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram) showcasing the energy generation of the solar panels plus the carbon savings that it equates to.
Look out for exciting information on our social media channels about the solar panels of each school and how much they have been generating over the 2018/19 academic year.
We were able to build these renewable energy projects thanks to the support of our investor Members, of which there are now over 1000. But we want to do so much more.
To find out more about our Solar Schools programme please contact info@lowcarbonhub.org or visit our Schools Services page.
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