Host a solar PV array with LOW CARBON HUB

Turn daylight into savings

Is your organisation ready to save on energy bills, reduce its carbon footprint, and support community-led initiatives? By hosting a rooftop solar PV array with Low Carbon Hub, you can achieve all three at no cost to your organisation. Our community-owned solar installations let organisations benefit directly from on-site renewable energy that helps support local sustainability projects.

  • No setup or running costs
    We cover the costs of design, installation, and management, so you can benefit from renewable energy with zero financial outlay.
  • Affordable clean energy
    Use the energy generated directly on-site at a discounted rate, reducing both operational costs and carbon emissions.
  • Fully managed service
    We take care of everything – from installation and maintenance to insurance – for a hassle-free, dependable solution.
  • Positive local impact
    All profits from Low Carbon Hub’s solar arrays go to community benefit, funding projects across Oxfordshire that further cut carbon emissions.
Whether you're a business, school, village hall, or any other type of organisation, if you have a large rooftop and high energy usage, get in touch with our solar team!
Whether you’re a business, school, village hall, if you have a large rooftop and high energy usage, get in touch with our solar team!
  • A roof large enough to host an array (e.g. 250 m2, roughly the size of two tennis courts – see our video below on how to measure your roof)
  • A building with significant day-time energy use (approx. 400 mWh/pa)
  • South-facing
  • Owner-occupied or with a 10 + year lease in place

Check to see if your roof is a suitable size for a Low Carbon Hub rooftop solar PV array in our short video:

If your business, school, village hall, or any other type of organisation meets the criteria for hosting rooftop solar panels, then we’d love to hear from you. Simply fill in the short contact form below and we’ll get back to you.

Alternatively, please contact us on or call 01865 246099.

How it works

1. Feasibility assessment

We begin with a no-obligation assessment of your site, estimating potential savings and carbon reductions.

2. Custom proposal and design

Following assessment, you’ll receive a proposal with projected cost savings, a system design, and a draft lease for review.

3. Agreement and surveys

Upon agreeing to initial terms (non-binding), we carry out any necessary surveys at no cost to you.

4. Finalising the lease

After a successful survey, we finalise a roof lease agreement for 10 to 25 years, and happy to discuss any questions you may have about the lease.

5. Installation

Our team will arrange the installation around your schedule, with most projects completed within 1 to 2 weeks.

6. Ongoing support and maintenance

We monitor system performance daily, ensuring it runs smoothly, and you’re only billed for the energy you use.

End of lease options

At the end of your lease term, you can choose to continue with Low Carbon Hub under similar terms or have the panels removed, also at no cost.

Discover how we’re making a difference across Oxfordshire, from schools to businesses and more. Watch this short video showcasing one of our largest solar PV installations at Norbar Torque Tools, and explore other inspiring projects in our case studies.

  • Solar panels on the rooftop of Thames Travel, owned and managed by Low Carbon Hub

    Thames Travel

    In 2013, Oxford Bus Company was the Low Carbon Hub’s very first community-owned solar PV installation. We have since expanded from this single rooftop to a significant renewable energy portfolio working with schools, businesses and community organisations across Oxfordshire. In 2019, it was fantastic to work with Thames Travel, another subsidiary of the Go-Ahead Group…
  • Project

    Sonning Common Primary School

    Sonning Common Primary School was the 25th Low Carbon Hub Solar School, with 84 solar pv panels installed which are owned and managed by Low Carbon Hub. The school is a OCC Maintained School located in South Oxfordshire and is home to almost 400 pupils The solar panels generate 20,320 kWh of clean electricity every…
  • News story

    “Growing in the face of challenge” – Rose Hill Tree Planting

    6 August 2021
    A short film about the Tree Planting and Community Orchard project from Rose Hill & Iffley Low Carbon. The film was made with a Small Grant of £500 from Low Carbon Hub Community Grants Fund. Low Carbon Hub were delighted to award Rose Hill & Iffley Low Carbon (RHILC) a small grant of £500 in…