Rose Hill ‘Solar Saver’ trial launches to help residents save money on their energy bills.
The ‘Solar Saver’ offer is part of the Rose Hill Smart and Fair Neighbourhood Trial (SFN) being run as part of Project LEO (Local Energy Oxfordshire).
The trial is offering residents of the new build flats in Rose Hill the opportunity to save money on their energy bills by shifting when they use electricity in their homes, e.g. turning the washing machine on at different times. The offer is being matched to when the solar panels on the roof of the flats are generating the most energy and is helping us understand how people living in flats could potentially benefit from rooftop solar that they don’t directly own.
The trial launched to a great start with 20 residents signed up to the trial. You can read more on the Project LEO website.

What is a ‘Smart and Fair’ neighbourhood?
This project is one part of the Rose Hill Smart and Fair Neighbourhood Trial, taking place as part of Project LEO. The trial aims to understand how flexibility services – the ability to turn electricity generation and demand up and down in our homes and businesses – could potentially help a community move to net zero carbon in a way that’s fair, equitable, and inclusive.
You can also read more about the overarching place-based trials here.