[CLOSED] Join us for a Community Coffee Morning for Community Energy Fortnight 2020
Join us for a Community Coffee Morning on Tuesday 16 June at 11am
Date: Tuesday 16 June 2020
Time: 11am-12pm
We’re holding an online Community Coffee Morning at 11am on Tuesday 16 June for low carbon community groups across the UK – and we’d love to see you there. This event forms part of Community Energy England’s Community Energy Fortnight (13-28 June 2020).
We know it’s been a turbulent time recently, but we’ve been so impressed to see the positive impact that low carbon community groups continue to have on tackling the climate crisis – as well as lots of new ways of keeping your communities together, and innovative community responses to the situation we find ourselves in.
At the Low Carbon Hub we’re based in Oxfordshire, and we have 26 low carbon community groups who are part of our organisation. During this event, a few of the groups will be sharing their recent activities, including:
- Active Oxfordshire and Cyclox’s campaign to refurbish bikes to donate to key workers.
- Low Carbon Oxford North on their success with running a variety of online events, including open spaces to share climate worries.
- Hook Norton Low Carbon’s increased use of their shared e-bikes.
- Westmill Sustainable Energy Trust’s virtual tour of their wind and solar farm, and developing education resources for homeschooling.
We’ll then break out into smaller groups, where you’ll discuss the topic of how we keep momentum going on the climate crisis during this time of COVID-19, reflecting on the community group presentations and sharing your ideas and activities from your own groups. There will then be chance for groups to feed back to the wider group on their discussion, before we wrap things up.
If you’re part of a low carbon community group operating in the UK, we’d love you to join us to share your own experiences and gain new ideas from other groups – make sure you register to take part.
What is Community Energy Fortnight?
Community Energy Fortnight aims to connect community energy organisations and supporters together to share mutual support, learning and ideas for how to evolve as a sector.
This year the focus is on how community energy can #HarnessOurPower to truly bring systems change to the energy system, ensuring it is democratised and operates for the benefit of all people. We have seen some amazing stories of how you have pulled together to help alleviate COVID-19 impacts within your local communities. There will be no going back to normal, so Community Energy Fortnight is a chance to explore how we can build back better and provide a beacon of hope for the post-pandemic world.
The Community Energy England team have put together lots of ideas and resources if you want to get involved with Community Energy Fortnight. You can also view all the events which are taking place at the bottom of this page.

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