Leading the way ONE HOME AT A TIME
Ready to be one of 1,700 homes making energy efficiency improvements by 2030 in your neighbourhood?
Improving the energy efficiency or ‘retrofitting’ our existing homes is key to helping the transition to a zero-carbon energy system. Reducing the amount of energy our homes use cuts carbon emissions. Upgrading your home will also have direct benefits for you as the occupier, including a comfier, healthier home with lower energy bills.
Join your neighbourhood in turning our zero-carbon plan into action and see how you could improve the energy efficiency of your home using these resources.
More resources
Whole House Plan
A Whole House Plan is a comprehensive plan for home improvements. It is divised with the aim of ensuring that a property operates in as energy-efficient a manner as possible, with all aspects of the building complementing each other, resulting in a logical, highly effective pathway towards an energy-efficient, well-ventilated home.
Whole House Plans (WHPs) usually cost around £600, depending on the size of the property. As part of the implementation of CAPZero, we are offering a number of part-funded WHPs. If this would be of interest, please contact CuckooLaneCAPZero@lowcarbonhub.org.
Find out about Whole House Plans and Cosy Homes Oxfordshire
Talk to someone about energy bills
Are you struggling with your energy bills? Better Housing Better Health is a free advice service for local residents.
Visit Better Housing Better Health
Join a group supporting others and share your own experience
Get in touch to join a group supporting neighbours with home improvements to increase energy efficiency and comfort, cut bills and more.
If you have done work on your own home and would be happy to share your story and inspire your neighbours, we’d love to hear from you.
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